
High quality video supports your ability to detect and prosecute both customers and employees who are stealing from your store. Linking video records to register transaction data in an especially powerful tool in discouraging employee theft.

Today’s technology provides video images beyond what was available just a few years ago. Traditional black & white cameras are often being replaced by new-generation color cameras. Low-light and mega-pixel cameras are available and affordable. Customers are increasingly using IP cameras that provide higher quality images and create a digital, network-ready, compressed signal.

Cameras can detect movement or unexpected changes in an area. Intelligent mounts and motors will automatically steer and zoom cameras to focus on unusual activity. The system can respond by recording the event, focusing additional cameras on the activity, and sounding an alert or other programmed responses. Higher-capacity DVRs store hundreds of hours of video from multiple cameras.

Video technology can dramatically extend the reach of your security coverage by letting you see and record activity in every corner of your facility.  In many cases, the mere presence of security cameras mounted on and around your buildings is a deterrent, encouraging potential perpetrators to choose another target for their criminal activity.

To ensure the most effective use of video surveillance, you need the right components in the right configuration. Selecting the right video technology requires the experience of a professional security systems provider like SecuSmart.